Each capsule contains 500 mg of fortified lipid derived from:
Bala (Sida cordifolia) 10 g, Kshira (Milk) 3 ml, and Taila (Sesamum indicum) 500 mg.
Arthritis, Sprain, Lowback pain, Gridhrasi, Greeva shoola, Apabahuka, Pakshaghata, & Other inflammatory conditions.
Pharmacological Activities:
- Strengthens the nervous system.
- Nourishes damaged tissue with tonic and healing property.
- Facilitates speedy recovery of damaged neuro-muscular tissue.
- Improves sensory & motor functions.
- Reduces neuromuscular pain and soothes inflamed joints.
1-2 capsule, 2-3 times a day or as directed by the physician.