Affinity of Manjistä to dermal tissue, makes it an indispensable drug in the management of skin disorders. As a potent blood purifier, antiseptic, anti-pruritic, anti- inflammatory & anti-oxidant activities, it contributes in effective management of skin lesions including acne-vulgaris.
Owing to its styptic property, aqueous extract of Manjistă is a safe and effective drug of choice in the management of bleeding disorders especially in bleeding piles. It is also useful in abnormal uterine bleeding.
By its anti-toxic and coolant properties, Manjistā helps to cleanse the circulating endotoxins and plays important role in the management of skin disorders. It inhibits the proliferation of Propioni bacterium acnes and promotes contraction and epithelialization of wound.
Rubimallin has notable anti- inflammatory activity. It inhibits lipoxygenase enzyme pathway which catalyses the production of various inflammatory mediators. The anthraquinones plays important role in anti-arthritic action.